Sunday, December 30, 2007
Kite Runner....

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Call me simplistic, but I believe that great eloquency is a result of absolute clarity in thought. There are only 3 people I know in sub-continent politics, who can walk into an impromptu press con and talk about complex issues for hours, without as much as a single stammer - Jaswant Singh, Jayalalitha and Bhutto. I might not subscribe to all of their political views, but I believe they are an endangered species.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The K Awards...
The 2007 K award for the real 'weapon of mass destruction'

With the exception of suicide bombers and 'philishave' users, every other man I know is willing to put a couple of blades more to his face, once every 6 months...just because gillette says so....from 2 to 3 to 5 to 'i have lost count'.....and did i mention, paying a fortune more every time?....but damn, they are good!
The 2007 K award for the 'Rapidest of Rapids'

The Chennai MRTS project started when I was 8....I am 30 now...it is still 'a work in progress'....this work horse has successfully weathered through 7 wars....4 recessions....25 Rajini films....countless prime ministers....an entire highway connecting the 4 corners of the country and 2 other transit projects.....a lil birdie tells me the Delhi Metro project took only 4 years to complete...what a loser! Thats almost a premature ejaculation!! Go Chennai!
The 2007 'This film makes me want to go to the restroom and stay there for 2 hours' award

The sweetest half bake of 2007...

I think child actors, when they are good, come off really stunning on screen....be it Shamli in 'Anjali'....Anna Paquin in 'Piano'...the kid in 'sixth sense'....or Darsheel in 'Taare'....something mesmerizing happens, when real innocence and real talent mix....something that will never be possible for an adult to pull off, ever.
During Taare, you never get enough of Darsheel, in spite of him being in almost every frame...his performance seems so genuine, that it is difficult to believe he would have just repeated what was enacted to him.
The song montages are an absolute treat....especially the one where Ishaan has his day out on the road...wow!...I think it is these montages that make a rather simplistic film flow over 3 hours, without boring you - most of the time! Actually, coming to think of it....the film must have only 3-4 pages of dialogue....because i cant remember a stretch longer than 5 minutes, without a song...
if only aamir had not lip synced to that intermission song! ;(
if only the mother character was not mutilated half way though the film ;( and the father's, murdered!!!
if only the flip book was not flipped 7 times....
if only aamir's (girl)friend had something to do in the film....
if only the teacher did not ask for poetry interpretation from third graders....
but hey....the film has so many things going for it, that it almost gets made up for - almost!
the special effects of the kid's hallucinations are especially slick
prasoon joshi's lyrics for the 'ma' song are bound to haunt you for years to come
aamir's framing throughout the film is that of a seasoned pro...not a first time director!
SLE's music is lovable - once again......this is one of those films that u will love instantly if u r a 'buy cd before seeing the film' person....
even if none of these work for you, a pair of bunny teeth is sure to keep you tied to the seat - most of the time ;)
Monday, November 19, 2007
Lilith Fare...
Anyway, point is....I discovered 'The Federated States of Micronesia' - on the map! I had no idea such a place existed...dont even remember seeing them in the Olympics!!!!....a group of islands somewhere above fiji and they are apparently 'federated' because they got independence from the US in the eighties....I dint know 'independence' was still en vogue in the '80's...;)
While on geography...theres something else I wanna pen down before forgetting....last night, the History channel ran this film on the search for the 'Garden of Eden'....a hunt for the actual location, based on the account in 'Genesis'....and the winner is!!!!!!!!.....Iran or Venezuela!....wonder what Dubya thinks of that....and hey, if he decides to invade either in the next few months he has, he at least has a sexier pretext than WMD. What fun!
etymology....never heard of this version before....whats the origin of 'Lullaby'?......apparently, "Lilith Abi".....Lilith - Adam's first wife eventually became a child stealing demon after she left him - according to The Book.....so neo-lithic mothers used to scratch the words 'Lilith Abi' (meaning 'Lilith be gone') on house doors, to keep her off their children....hmmm....so it had nothing to do with 'Saawariya'....apparently.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
times they are a-changin....
the most successful rapper is white.
and Andrew Symonds says 'Racist abuse by Indian crowds' fired him up for the century in Nagpur.
Take that vacation you have been postponing, folks. The world is coming to an end! ;)
Friday, October 12, 2007
Different Worlds - 25 years or 250 Kilometers away
a. you can eat and drink anything
b. theres no nausea
c. you can eat and drink anything
d. dont have to pop a pill
e. you can eat and drink anything
Thats why!
My uninterrupted showtime is continuing for a "3rd successful week". Last week, I watched 2 films which are not set in the World I live in.
'Children of Men' is in my opinion, the most important film made in 2007 (I have not seen 'Eastern Promises' yet and so I will reconfirm shortly!) - and I am not saying this in any temporary, post-movie hangover. It has actually been about 10 days since I saw it. Alfonso Cuaron - the guy who made the fun-but-profound 'Y tu mama tambien' has written and directed the film.

It is set 25 years from now, when the human race loses its ability to reproduce (a.k.a its mojo!). That world is not 'AI' or 'Minority Report'ish, but a darker one. One without hope. The first thing that hits you about the film is the art and production design that reflects this mood beautifully. The cars are 'futurish', but jaded; The city landscape dark - with uncleared garbage, and greying buildings - almost screaming at you with despair. It is not all about the facade. The detailing is equally stunning. In the shot below, the news papers on the wall carry fictional news of destruction of the times. Award winning stuff ;)

...and the long shots...wow!....7-8 minutes shots....not just dialogue, but action sequences. Beautifully choreographed....and no green screen! these are real time shots!!.....Now, I have never been a fan of film makers who employ visual effects simply because they can...but I dont think it is the case here......the visual language of this film is very distinct and is consistent from the start till the end credits......really, some of these shots make you pause and rewind.....not only becuase you loved it, but also because you cant believe they actually pulled it off!!
and the script....a philosopher' delight.....the audience's delight too! The way spirituality and politics of the land have been handled is very very interesting. Overall, the kind of film that you want to rip immediately and add to your private illegal collection.....the kind of film that will make you feel dissapointed if it din't win the 'picture of the year'.....and the kind of film that you want to force into the hands of the next person you see and say 'go watch'!
...and then i watched another film from a different world.....no, not 25 years from now, but 250 KMs from chennai....'Achuvinte Amma'
How can a state that is a 2 hour bus ride from Coimbatore be so different from the rest of south India? how is it that milions of people in Kerala go to the theatre and watch 'Achuvinte Amma', when the movie does not have any sex; nobody is raped in the climax; no guns; no stunt sequences with earth shattering music; no dumb and deaf heroine; no lip synced songs; no close ups of navels; no songs shot in new zealand or greece; no crane or dolly shots ending in a close up of the hero mouthing a punch dialogue; not even a comedy track! what changes when you travel 250 KMS westwards from Chennai? If it is communism, then lets have a revolution ASAP....
I know I am not the first to ask these questions and I wont be the last.
'Achuvinte Amma' is a Sathyan Anthikad film that won a state award last year, along with Lal and Blessy's Thanmatra. The protagonists are Urvasi and Meera Jasmine - two of the best actresses in the country, in my opinion. It is a tale of a mother and a daughter. A mother and daughter that we have all met in a bus, visited, lived next to or even have in our family! A simple yet poignant tale. I dont think they even rented a dolly for the film! But I totally loved the film.
The thing about Achu that glues you to the seat are the performances. I mean, obviously! Its Urvasi and Meera! I am a self-proclaimed Meera fanatic. There is something very peaceful about seeing her on screen....and boy, what a talent!! Loved her in Perumazhakaalam. Saw 'Sandaikozhi' only because she was in it....but this is probably my most fav Meera film yet (will reconfirm after seeing Rasathanthram)...why she will act in a SJ Surya film is beyond me.....;(
Sunday, October 7, 2007
from the 'doctors' collection
when the doctor said that I cant afford to move out of my bed for 6 weeks, the first thing that came to my mind was that I need enough music. Loaded up my iPod with all the 27.3 gigs of music that I had. Apparently, I over prepared. Have been playing this 2 minute track in a loop for an entire week now. Long live doctors. I figured its part of 'Lord of the Dance', but does anyone know whose composition this is?
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Chak who?
"I hope Rahul (Gandhi) like Dhoni, will win the next big match (election)" - Sonia Maino (a.k.a Sonia Gandhi)
"*&*&@ ((&(& @&@&^@ ()(*!^&!%" - Rameez Raja
The world was going crazy.
What a week!!....To wake up to a cricket match is always fun (especially when you ahve been advised bed-rest!). The morning filter coffee mixes with the game almost as well as an evening pint at a pub with TV....epsecially when India is winning! and what wins!!....for me, the best part was the fact that none of the indians featured in the most runs / most wickets or even most sixes tables until the finals. Probably the biggest indicator that we are working well as a unit and it is not a few good horses pushing the cart, like the '03 world cup.
I thought RPS and Gambhir were the real heroes....the yuvraj mania was obviously amazing....but for me, it was these two work horses who turned in class acts over and over again. And ofcourse sreesanth.....i heard one of the panelists comment in IBN Live that 'the team should collect a sreesanth tax, where every other team member can compensate for his losses of match fee'....i dont think we ever had a character like him on our ranks...
Having said all this, the end was a bit bitter-sweet for me. When Ravi announced at the presentation ceremony that "$2 Million" is being gifted by the BCCI to the team, I honestly choked. This is unheard of...in cricket....The UEFA prize money for the winner is 7 Million Euros, but that is the prize money...Not the bonus.....The money rain did not end there....Rs. 1 Crore for Yuvraj and something like that for Dhoni....and the list got extended by the day...I take it back...It IS being extended by the day.....
Now, I agree that 'what a sports person makes' is not a 'fan' question anywhere else in the world....but I think it is a relevant question in India...simply because no other country that I know of, has sportsmen and fans complain of step-motherly treatment dealt out to a sport...
India won the Nehru Cup for the first time...ever! and if you are wondering what the sport is, it is soccer....we won the Asia cup for hockey this year....I would love to see how much those players made, vis-a-vis Dhoni's boys...it would actually be a rude joke.
You can count the number of astro-turfs in india, probably on one hand. I am almost positive that most of us can count 'Indian footballer names that we remember' in one hand too. I understand that the fundamental problem is the lack of popularity among fans for hockey & soccer and not the BCCI....but I believe this is a solvable problem....It has been done before in many countries....Cricket in Kenya, soccer in the U.S., soccer in West Indies....I think that something like this should be very possible for the Sports Authority of India, with enough funding and a clear long term 'grass-rooted' plan....we should at least be able to scratch the surface....I dont think we have even done that yet.
I got up this morning to read the article about the hockey players on a hunger strike in karnataka....coz they felt like "dust" when they saw state governments fighting with each other to announce awards for cricketers....I think this has got to be an absolute first....since big bang....that a sportsperson went on a hunger strike for more recognition....chak that India!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Real Man
We were at the lending library and my mom said, "have you read this one?" what i saw was an extremely healthy looking book with tiny print. Not reader friendly. So i hemmed and hawed till she just took it for me and said " read it, its one of the most beautiful books i have ever read."
Being the obedient daughter that i am, i duly took it along. I finished all the other books i had taken and then when i got really desperate for something to read, i finally picked this one up. That was all i had to do and my life just stopped. I stopped cleaning. My house was a mess. I stopped cooking. I got hubby dear to buy food from outside. And my two and a half year old was the only one i took time out for (not before i subjected the poor guy to some unparliamentary words which he thankfully couldn't understand)
The rest of my time, i spent with Douglas Dilman. The unwilling, unelected, strong yet scared, official President of the United States of America. I watched him sit uneasily in his chair at the white house. i watched the people around get more than just uneasy at him being the President. I agonized at all that he was put through and i rejoiced at his very few victories.
What most people would be able to relate to is this : He was extraordinary but he felt less than ordinary. He was far from perfect. Yet, he got his strength from the people he held closest to his heart. His best friend and the woman he loved. Characters that one cannot help but admire. This book is an ode to the fact that people who believe in you can give you the courage to be yourself.
It is also a book which reinforces priorities, redefines generosity and also re-establishes what being human/e is all about. There is the odd situation here and there which might seem a bit contrived but in no way do they take away from the integrity of the book.
Its just one of those books that makes a difference. One which makes you feel that somewhere along the line, you might become a better person, just for having read it.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Now Listening...
My all time favourite Farida Khanum ghazal....a friend once remarked while listening to it...."does'nt it feel like she really means it when she sings 'jaan jaathi hai jab ut ke jaathe ho tum'?"...she was kinda drunk at that time....but I have to agree. ;)
Friday, September 7, 2007
was seeing nammavar again recently...never really went past this scene....was playing it over an over again...what a scene...what an actor...what a career....i dont think anybody deserves the phalke award more than nagesh, today....
Thursday, September 6, 2007
That 'home' feeling....

Thursday, August 30, 2007
The World According to Bhansali
I am a big SLB fan. Yes, I know that he has not done an original work since Khamoshi. And Black was a frame-by-frame remake of Miracle Worker (something he refuses to acknowledge at all). That sucks, but still doesnt make me a lesser fan coz it is not his writing that I am crazy about. It is his mindless, crazy, beautiful and stunning vision. You can pause Khamoshi and Devdas in any frame and it could look like a painting. Try this trailer if you dont believe me ;)
PS: When I was in school, there was this trivia floating around (I think it was also a 'Landmark Quiz' question once) . Who directed the song 'Ek ladki ko dheka hai' from 1942 A Love Story. The correct answer was not Vidhu Vinod Chopra, but his crazy, lunatic, bearded assistant director!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Chick Flick
"....the nuclear deal has been approved here (in Washington, DC) by the President, and there (in New Delhi) it's been approved by the Indian cabinet. So why do you have all this running around like headless chicken, looking for a comment here or comment there, and these little storms in a tea-cup?....” is all that the man said. The quote is all over the media, if anyone cares to re-read it.

Now, how many elite minds does it take to understand that the 'chicken' in question is supposed to describe the media and not the 'honourable' members of parliament?
And 574 people, who are being paid atleast Rs. 2.5 Lacs per month in salary & expenses by the tax payer, are not able to work for 2 full days because of this linguistical confusion?
Monday, August 13, 2007
Done and dusted!

Forget twice; I rarely would want to pay and see a Yash Raj film once, these days. But this is an exception. I am already looking out for the next group that is going to the theatres. Not that I slept off or dint get the plot the first time around. This just is a film that works.
My stand on Shah Rukh is a bit complex. Unlike every other homosapien I have discussed the subject with, I liked him in Devdas. I ofcourse liked him in Swades. One of my all time favorite hindi film is Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa and I think I watched DDLJ 3 times. But the list kinda tapers after that. I think he has done a fantastic job in this film. However, contrary to all the reviews you will read and promos you will see, this film is not about SRK and he has very little to do with why this film works.
I like to think that films are like a magic act. You have to hold the attention of the audience until the act is completed. You have to hold the spell. If they break away in the middle and get distracted, the act falls flat on its face. Films work that way too. The ones that can hold the spell for the most part, work. That is why we still enjoy cinema at this day and time, when everyone knows the trick and also how it is done. That is also why films have to be believable these days - to keep the spell.
Chak de had a lot of almost-spell-spoiling moments (a.k.a Yash Raj moments) for me.
For example, when Kabir tells Bindiya "only you know how to break the man-to-man strategy" (I thought he made it sound like 'Chakravyuh');
Or when the Indian men's hockey team plays against the women's team. I was deperately hoping it will be a 'dream' sequence or something;
Or when the cliched 'Shenoy'ish background score happens when Kabir was leaving his house;
Or when the 'cricketer' mouths some very cliched, chauvinistic lines.
But none of them quite break the spell, really.
In my life, I have come across numerous women who are fitter, stronger, more intelligent, more mature and definitely smarter than me (I am not sure about better drivers, though ;)). It was my triathlete (girl) friend who taught me the A,B and C of long distance running and swimming. My most favorite bosses have been women. So 'feminism' is a redundant concept for me. However, I do realize that the real world is very different and I know that there are glass ceilings in almost every profession. That notwithstanding, I think 'Chak De' has too many MCPs and feministic lines for my liking.
Anyway....let me get to the best part...things I loved about the film:
- The girl who plays Komal Chautala. My second ticket has more to do with her than anything else in the film.

- The production value! I think Chak De is as sleek as any other sports film I have seen. The world cup game sequences are mind boggling. I remember watching the Mexican film 'Goal' recently and not liking the game sequences, which looked digitally enhanced. Not Chak De! The cinematography is exhilarating. I did not think too much of Sudeep Chatterjee after Dor and Iqbal, but the man kicks ass here. The shot when Bindiya Naik is sitting by herself in the locker room, against the wall, is worth a million dollars. But the best shots are the dolly shots of the games. Wow!!!
- I thought the background score worked, except the scenes of Shahrukh leaving his house.
- Shimit Amin. I think he will become a very important director of our time. I loved'Ab Tak Chappan' and I think this is a great second act. The way he has paced the film is almost perfect! and I think he has got the casting spot on!! and he has made each of the girls such endearing characters, that we almost remember all the first names while leaving the theatre!
- The girls! I am told that most of them are athletes of some sort and almost none of them, actors of any sort. However, they hold their own pretty well. They play well, look gorgeous and make you smile most of the time!
- Jaideep Sahni. For someone who wrote 'Company' and 'Khosla ka Ghosla', this is definitely a different 'turf' and to be honest, I think he did half of Shimit's job even before the shooting began.
- The montages. wow!!! everybody rise and clap....there are no lip syncs to songs in this film!!!! and if that is not an achievement by itself, each of the montages kick some serious ass....perfect!
We watched the film on saturday night and half way into it, I got a call from one of the actresses on The River, who told me she wouldnt be able to make it to the shoot sunday morning, because her grand mother passed away. That was a mini disaster and meant that I had to make atleast 25 calls Immediately, to firefight. But I dint move an inch until the last of the credits went past. And I am getting myself another ticket!

Friday, July 27, 2007
It is now official....
I believe this is the best $1.99 or Rs. 79 buy of my life (Thanks to yahoo for the 7 day offer). It is weird, but I am having a feeling of overwhelming pride. I think I have done my bit for Tamil, the motion picture industry and may be even for global warming, to a certain extent.
It has been coming for a long time. Over a decade, actually. However, the 'sahana' song did it. I could not take it any more after that.
The site is under construction. Please send me ideas. One thought I had was to train thousands of commandos / special task forces and let them torture him to death the next time they see him anywhere in Chennai. Thoughts?
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Latest & Greatest from Kamal

and by the way.....these are the 'official' stills of the film!!!!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007
Monday, July 2, 2007
Matagorda Island

So after days of scheduling and re-scheduling and re-scheduling, Vikrant Gandhi, Kiran Unni and yours truly finally picked up our brand new camp equipment and hit the road on a super warm saturday morning. The idea was to hit the port by early afternoon, take the ferry to the island and spend the night there, in the company of mother nature and fellow campers. At least, that was the idea on paper!
2:00 PM - We arrive at port-o-connor after a thankfully uneventful drive, except for the weird, dark restrooms of that lonely gas station!
2:30 PM - we hit the water on Ron's fishing boat cum ferry. Easily the best part of the trip.

2:59 PM - I realize we forgot the beer. Thankfully Ron has backup in his ice box!
3:30 PM - kiran's home made pav bhaji ka jawab nahin!
(photo removed)
4:00 PM - After a furious battle with the user's manual, we finish setting up the tent - at least in our opinion!

5:30 PM - We begin the walk to the other side to say hello to the Gulf of Mexico. Little did we know at that time that it will be our longest and most terrifying hello ever!
7:15 PM - After losing our way 5 times and not spotting a single rattle snake (it was supposed to be the rattler's country), we are still a mile from the gulf....but at an interesting cross road and sign!
(photo removed)

8:00 PM - After surprisingly not waking up any alligators on our way, here we are at the gulf. Hello!

8:45 PM - The sun is still out and surprise surprise, we are still alive...what better time for relief!

9:30 PM
after an entire day's vigil for rattle snakes and alligators, mother nature uses her alternate weapon of mass destruction on us....fire ants!!! shock & awe! as we tried to sneek in....
camping lesson 1A : Never pitch a tent on grass, if you have an option.
9:45 PM
Thats not all....surprise surprise, the other campers have called it a day. That means that we were the only homosapiens on that island for the night. Not exactly the saturday night plan we had....and with the ant revolution, it was time for a frantic call to ron the ferry guy!
10:15 PM
No sign of Ron's boat....but we had company....distant sound of Coyotes......(very) ugly! With Vikrant and a kitchen knife standing between us and a potential argument with a pack of wild coyotes.....we wait for the boat...which eventually docks in pitch darkness....with the help of a fancy gps system.
1:00 AM
Back home at the apartment. Red wine and fast food. Not the ideal camping night we had in mind, but hey....I am not complaining!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Jhoom Barabar Jhoom

Friday, June 15, 2007
The Downfall (Der Untergang, 2005)

I missed the opening credits and a good part of the beginning as I tuned in late...but read later that the film is actually an account of the last ten days in the sub-terrain headquarters. Also, it is based on books and accounts of people who were pretty much there. Like Frau Trudl Junge for example, who was Hitler's secretary (and an extremely pretty one!). I was shocked to see her interview just before the credits - recorded in 2002....she was apparently alive until 2003!!!
Bruno Ganz is extremely believable as a tired, old and a still ruthlessly focussed Hitler. What strikes you about the film is the completely different character sketch of this man and for that matter, the Nazi junta itself. Doctors, friends, drinking buddies, lovers, kids...normal people. I love the way this scene has been written:

the end is near. the alco hol is out. some choose to end it in their own terms. So people leave the drinking table on by one with a mild good bye and enter the toilet where a doctor explains to them the science of shooting yourself and the tricks to keep it painless...no violin orchestras playing in the background, no close-ups to 'enhance the emotion', nothing. The scene just rocks you by itself.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
the web is more fun since last night....for sometime atleast
am just super excited bout this! so please bear with me if this is old news for anybody! It is not just the fact that the president has an 'e' existence....thats something you would expect today....but it is the care and effort that has gone into making it....the pics are not too heavy to download....the color scheme is not gawdy....the design is very tasteful....the content is staggering in volume and quality....many firsts there...;))
another reason why the web became more fun since last night is prem panicker's blog....or portal, or whatever you wanna call it.....for those to whom the name does not ring a bell, prem is the face of cricket journalism on the internet, for many mortals like me...lately, he has become editor (or something like that) of India Abroad - Rediff's NRI weekly and all that.....but there is nothing NRI about his writing....take a look even if my intro does not sound interesting...
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Spidey 3 and Superstar

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
OK...I Really need to get back to work now....
Finally got to see it. Had been on my mind for so long now. Actually got to see it with dad and as a original DVD...double whammy! thank god.....for a locale like this, it would have been the ultimate sin to have caught a camera print online....
very fresh and very neat....completely loved it (inspite of the plain saree rain song and 'action oriented sub plots')....Kamalini Mukherjee looks like a Million Euros! I had never thought of her as eye candy types after vettaiyadu.....but she really is.....and did i mention hot?...And I think I HAVE to marry the person who dubbed for her....
The songs are haunting....K.M.Radhakrishnan (????)...definitely radar worthy...and I had no idea Badrachalam and Rajamundri were such 'wow' places.....
will completely recommend it.....
Monday, April 9, 2007
of Royalty and Railroad employees...
1. This is quite literally a once-in-a-lifetime-event. Its name translates to "Collective Visit" and involves the congregation of Indian Royal families at a temple. After 41 years, it last occured the past weekend(!!) and it had 23 royal families in attendance (I did not even know so many existed anymore). Name event....half the points for naming the city
2. This is about a person with whom I have a love / hate relationship. Mostly hate. Connect, "Atmiyo Swajan" (Bengali film - 1999), Desh (2002) and Rediff.com. He is also related to Omkara in an unimportant way. Who?
3. Etymology...now, there are a lot of theories on this one....but this one seems to be more credible than the others....This 19th Century railroad superintendent introduced what was then an innovative system of merits and demerits for railroad employees of New York state. Accounts of his system were published in railroad journals, and american railroad employees soon began referring colloquially to ".........", and at some point, the term entered the general vocabulary. Fill the blanks!
my hugs and undying love for early birds!
Sunday, April 8, 2007
The Namesake
Irrfan, Irrfan and Irrfan. The man is mind blowing! If Maqbool was awesome, this is Amazing! I have always felt that the key difference between western cinema and us is not inferiority in technical know-how, but (surprisingly) acting know-how. It is amazing how even a 'lowly' extra (not even supporting actor) in Hollywood / European Cinema puts in So much and comes across so convincingly, while we continue to be overwhemled by loud histrionics by our leading men and women। Irrfan is a cosmic aberration to this rule. He essays Ashoke with so much detail that it is a treat for senses.
In 'Interpreter of maladies', I was never able to get past 'A Temporary Matter' (It begs to be made into a slick B&W film). There is something so intriguing in the way Jhumpa tells us the simplest of human tales, that haunts us for weeks after we put the book down. I think it is the raw, undiluted honesty. I can feel that it is all over The Namesake, though I havent touched the book yet. The real coup is that this is also Mira's primary weapon. The combination is heady. You get an instant high!

My first tent morning!
When my friends Miki and Neha invited me to their 'trance party' in the middle of nowhere, I said a reluctant 'yes', as it is a genre of music that I have never been able to relate to. Not to mention the 'dance floor' component - a frontier I have never managed to cross into successfully in life ;(. However i HAD to go, as it was also Neha's farewell weekend in town before she flew to Atlanta to join her fiance. The place was a good 100 miles from any kind of civilization and I managed to get there after losing my way atleast 5 times. We pitched the tent in what seemed like an ocean of darkness, in biting cold. I was so tired from the driving and the 'losing my way' that I was fast asleep in my sleeping bag, with the trance playing in the far background. It must have been about 5:30 in the morning when Neha woke me up and said 'you have to see this'..... and I stumbled out of the tent. Wow! the muddy colorado river was buzzing in front of me, covered in a fog blanket and behind us, the cliff announced itself in the first rays of sun...it was quite simply the best thing I have woken up to in the last 29 years...(beats the steamy Ash poster in my room during college, hands down!).....and then there was Neha's piping hot masala chai...life's good!

OK...This is officially the first time that I saw a match and a re-run consequtively, without the Indian team playing....wow! I cant believe that I can enjoy the success of a country whose army gorged the eyeballs off Indian BSF not long ago. I think it must be the 'underdog slaying goliath' masala that never fails to impress. I completely enjoyed Ashraful's audacity and how these guys have revived the World Cup which was otherwise reaching a predictable death. Way to go!
On a related topic....I think this article by Sambit Bal is by far the sanest I have read about Cricket India, in the last few weeks of media diarhea.
Please note that this came days before the recent developments at the BCCI. By the way....Venkatesh Prasad as the bowling coach? whats next....SJ Suriya directing Pacino?
I loved Radha Mohan's first - Azhagiya Theeye, for the screenplay and especially the humour. Mozhi was hyped beyond belief by every friend whose opinion I gave credibility to. Am happy that the film lived up to most of it. It is amzing how I have come to expect 'nothing less than wow' from Jyothika these days. and Vidyasagar! the man dishes out melodies like 'Murugan Idli kadai' does sambhar....and every serving is yummy!. Someone should name him Raja's unofficial heir! My fav scene was the 'zebra crossing as piano' ;)
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Giving in to the temptation....
anyway...cutting to the chase....the funda is that we would resist googling until we cannot take it anymore....I will keep the scoreboard ticking....and the eventual winner will get the most coveted prizes of all....applause and my unending love!
opening bells...
1. Connect: 'Little Miss Sunshine' and 'Monsoon Wedding'
2. Her maiden name is Watson. This comic character first appeared in vol#15 of the series, but was virtually an 'unseen' character until volume #42. In all her other appearances inbetween, the artist made sure that her face was always obscured.
3. Connect: Branson of Virgin Atlantic, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, John Carmack - the creator of Quake and Doom, Jim Benson - founder of the first ever search engine Compusearch, Paypal founder Elon Musk and Robert Bigelow - founder of 'Budget Suites of America'.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Now Running! - Guhan & Thulasi
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

good...now that things have heated up..let me come in....
i was contemplating jumping back into a salaried job.. the reasons being...
i)No work hours defined at my present job.. you may even take a call at 3.00am..let me assure your these calls are never announcements of achievements, they are all distress calls-from factory or otherwise
ii) The sales doesn't generate enough revenue for you to run the concern..so u can just forget the salary being there on every 29th of the month (it used to be 25th of every month in StanC)
iii) Your holidays are not planned by you,,, you may even try and figure out how to wipe out the concept of a holiday from your brain
iv) You may not switch off your mobile phone just bcoz you are a little tired and wants to be left alone.... coz there is no-one to give an excuse to,,and there is hell a lot to lose probably in that exact 20 minutes that you relaxed!
v) Inspite of all this you will have a 150% energized daughter who needs attention for the whole 5 hours you have before you hit the bed at 12am
vi) Also you should sneak in moments like the one in the pic to make sure you dont die off due to lack of re-charge...
All in all i highly recommend starting an industry to anyone who may ask me for an opinion.. i guess u know why!!
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Spilling the beans...
Since this is a bunch of my most favorite people, the only way I can order the introduction is in alphabetical progression.....and in this post, I am goin to write about only those who have accepted the invitation...theres a bunch of fellow lazy beans who have not yet taken the trouble of registering. Will save them for another morning's brew.
Constant Displacement
Deepti Pookat. I think the nick kinda sums up Deepti....I first met her as a nerdy cryptographic engineer from MIT (M for Madras), when I was working in Odyssey....the kind that I immediately associated with the 'first rankish', 'always smarterish', snob girls who gave me a troubled childhood in school. But I was way wrong. This gal did have ciphers for breakfast and semiconductors for lunch, but was still loads of fun and could take half of a litre of vodka for dinner. A confirmed travel addict and the most eligible spinster in bangalore. Packs her backpack every other friday. Deepti, i think it is about time you traded in your Zen for a Scorpio or a life-time Indian railway pass!
Kiran Unni. We had the weirdest of introductions. Met as colleagues in Frost. She was in San Antonio when I joined in Chennai, but we heard so much about each other that by the end of my first 2 months there, we had already become bum pals even before meeting each other. A fellow quizzing addict and the only person I know who has dedicated 30 percent of her lifetime to furniture shopping. A Jazz freak and one of the 2 people I know who has finished reading 80 percent of all books that were ever printed on the planet. She is also the only woman that I have known in flesh and blood, who has taken the stage as a finalist in a 'Landmark Quiz' (Swami & friends, 2002).
Not All there
Aaarathi Edward (or whatever it became after she got married). Met as a best friend's sister and ended up being fellow tribe. It is kinda difficult to slot Aarathi into any one definition as I have known her do 20 billion things.....but all with the same phenominal energy level. Traveller, Photographer, film maker, PR specialist, Event manager, back stager and also a fantastic quizzer (though she doesnt actively quiz). I am sure I have missed atleast 5 more. The kind of person I wouldnt be surprised if I saw inside a space ship 10 years from now.
Rajaram Sankaran. 'Knowledge Worker'. My first 'golt' best friend. It is difficult to separate the quizzer from the person. Another 'finalist friend' from 'Swami and friends'.
A walking talking pharma specialist. The most head-hunted homosapien south of the himalayas. Gets an offer from a company every friday. Can talk shankarabharanam and string theory in alternate breaths. Raja loves his kingfisher as much as I love my RC. May be a dash more. Will take anything said against barley as a personal insult. The best part about Raja is that he has everything figured out in life. I make very few big decisions without his advice. His Highness's Voice.....On your screen now.
Tinker Bell
Archana Edward Madhavan. Honestly, I think she needs the least introduction to the group. If you dont already know her personally, then you would have heard tonnes about her from me.
She is old now, but in her prime was a legendary head turner and super awesome fun to be around. Infectiously smart and funny, but always a bit spaced out. My main inspiration to read more, she is the other member of the 80 % club. (Inspite of having a bulb nose), Arch has an eye and ear for all things good in life - Tull to Tirumurti. 'We believe in fairies' (claps).
Vinu Kurian. The only non-blogging material in the group. I included him simply because there are a very few things I have done sans him. Partner in crime - Literally and figuratively. Machan, I dont think you would have forgotten the Higgin Bothams incident. An absolute cool dude. For many years, we made life's most crucial decisions together, over omlette and Royal Challenge on his terrace. The only vertebrate I know, who could throw away a Manager's position in Standard Chartered to start a surgical gloves manufacturing facility in Kottayam and actually make money.
OK....I think I have done justice to the Corona Lager I had with dinner....and hence solved the mystery of the nom de plums. Welcome to our blog....and Please....write anything, everything - but only when you feel like it! ;)
Friday, February 2, 2007
The chicory in the filter coffee
So what am I gonna write about here that's not on my blog? I don't know! Something I have to work out. But this i know: film reviews will be left to the director. May be he should step up to his role and give us some direction here??!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Chick Flicks et al
Many of my friends slot it into the infamous 'chick flick' pigeon hole. I guess that is justified as a genre for this film. However, as I saw it today for the millionth time, I could see once again how smartly written that film is. Agreed, Di caprio mouths some very trite cliches, which sometimes border on the mundane.....but that doesnt really break the spell all that much....I think cameron has done a fantastic job of crafting this film with the greatest common denominator, so a majority of homosapiens can relate to it.
Guru was as expected, very good. I think it is the closest Mani has come to 'engrossing' cinema that is both believable and entertaining at the same time. Am thinking...if it takes someone like Mani roughly 2 decades to hone his skills to this level....what about shaky-kneed part-timers like me? Time is running out, I guess....I might see it again just for Mithun!
By the way....bought a new couch through craigslist. This website continues to freak me out. I wonder how popular it is back home. I see a packed page when I go to chennai.craigslist.com. have attached the couch image. I think it might have broken the record for the largest piece of furniture I have bought in my lifetime. All of 8 feet long and 3 feet tall

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
After years of hating it...
I hope I got those spellings right. Anyway, thats what I thought all along and to be honest with you, I still suspect it is true. However, that notwithstanding....I am trying this out. All of a sudden, it seems to have 'fun' potential. I just turned 29. Considering the life expectancy for the average Indian male is 60 something....this could be a mid-life crisis.
Anyway....trying as I am, I dont want this to be a monologue. I think it will be fun to keep this as a common scrap book.....like a rental car....a '1 by 2' tea....a shared apartment....the local pub....a laundromat.... carpool....a public toilet....ok that doesnt sound good....lets stick to rental car. So please post anything and everything on it. I am also going to invite multiple groups of friends....so hopefully, it'll be a peacefully co-existing and interesting motley crue. In the next few days, I am going to check if this will be possible.....as in, if all of us can post and comment at the same blog, at the same time. Please bear with me during this and keep giving me your feedback....
If this doesnt work......well, theres always 'e-mail'. ;)