good...now that things have heated up..let me come in....
i was contemplating jumping back into a salaried job.. the reasons being...
i)No work hours defined at my present job.. you may even take a call at 3.00am..let me assure your these calls are never announcements of achievements, they are all distress calls-from factory or otherwise
ii) The sales doesn't generate enough revenue for you to run the concern..so u can just forget the salary being there on every 29th of the month (it used to be 25th of every month in StanC)
iii) Your holidays are not planned by you,,, you may even try and figure out how to wipe out the concept of a holiday from your brain
iv) You may not switch off your mobile phone just bcoz you are a little tired and wants to be left alone.... coz there is no-one to give an excuse to,,and there is hell a lot to lose probably in that exact 20 minutes that you relaxed!
v) Inspite of all this you will have a 150% energized daughter who needs attention for the whole 5 hours you have before you hit the bed at 12am
vi) Also you should sneak in moments like the one in the pic to make sure you dont die off due to lack of re-charge...
All in all i highly recommend starting an industry to anyone who may ask me for an opinion.. i guess u know why!!
machan, if I may add a few other incentives of enterpreneurship:
- you can have a bar in your conference room....and throw in a pool table too...and a pop corn machine....and have floyd for channel music....and have walk-in interviews for secretaries, just for the heck of it...oh my god! the possibilities are endless!!
Machan ensure you got a copy of Cricket Manager running it will be welcome refreshment after a coffee break just as it always has been during the "LAB" days. BTW does Martyn still score all your runs ?
The Dog’s Bollox
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