(spoiler alert!)
Back to Sam Raimi. Surprisingly, the thing that sticks out like a sore thumb in the film is the special effects....Now, I am pretty sure this had nothing to do with my lack of sleep the previous night. The special effects just feel like....well....'special effects'! Especially the scene where the crane rips the building apart.....i could have sworn that crane looked like 3D art.... is it just me?
or may be its because I assumed you could do a lot with $258 Million (Now, that is more than 10 times the budget of Bhansali's Devdas - arguably the most expensive Indian film ever made. It is also 80,000 times the budget of 'haze'!).
And yes....most of the reviewers are right.....Tobey cries way too much and removes his mask way too many times.....but Kirsten Dunst is exceedingly adorable. especially in her 'waitress in a Jazz bar' attire...I know not too many people agree with me, but I think she is a real beauty....kinda a 'hot gurl next door' (in spite of 'Marie Antoinette').
Now to the best part....the story line.....our hero is a super hero....he fights for justice....he has a lady love and a best friend....the friends have a misunderstanding....best friend thinks that the hero killed his father....a rift....but by the end of the film, best friend realizes his mistake and they both together fight the bad boys and save the girlfriend......sounds familiar?...remember Annamalai?? James Franco reprises Radha Ravi!!!!
OK that was a stretch....but it really got me thinking....when the protagonist is a super hero, I guess your options as a writer are very limited.....you pretty much 'hang' interesting emotions around the central character and spin the story....a.k.a masala....so I guess there is in fact a 'universal' method to the madness...be it spidey or Sivaji-The Boss!!
PS: by the way....on another note, I think I am going to offer an online jackpot to anybody who can translate Sivaji songs to Tamil....
Hello! its funny how the pix in ur blog compliment what i wrote about the spiderman movie! Hope its ok if i shamelessly copy the pix.
hmmmm... a spidey fan...there is no fighting them. thx for the pic. now i will go and figure out how to get it on :)
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