Its one of those Sunday mornings when you are generally looking around for something to sink your teeth in. This thing on TV might have just done it for me, I think ;)
So this HP commercial goes "Hi I am Sid and I love music". That just cracks me up. I mean...someone is actually getting paid to come up with a line like "I love music"?
"Hi, nice to meet you. So what do you do for fun?"
"I love Music!"
"Sure, mate. How about that 'breathing' thing? Thats also pretty cool, no?"
While on annoying one-liners, there is the Ms. Alcohol Saint. You run into these characters in most parties.
"Hi, nice to meet you. Can I get you a drink?"
"oh no, thanks. I get high on life"
Feisty! Note she doesn't just say "I dont drink, thanks". No way! - that would be self-deprecating. And worse, would just answer the question. You gotta be more elaborate than that. You gotta have a STORY behind your teetotaling.
"Hi, nice to meet you. Can I get you a drink?"
"oh no, thanks. I get high on life"
"Thats just so sad, sweetie. Out here, we get high on life AND alcohol. na nana na na!"
Another oft-spotted-party-species is Mr. DadINeverHad. These guys usually are the hosts.
"Alrite, chief. I think we will head home now. Thanks for having us. Good night"
"Oh it is so late. Please call and let me know you guys reached OK".
Now folks, I have had quite a few late nights in my life and met many Mr. DadINeverHads. And given the limited capabilities of my memory, I almost always forget to make 'that' call. I just find it strange that none of 'em have ever called me back, or come out looking for me or filed a police complaint, or even complained of losing sleep that night.
"Alrite, chief. I think we will head home now. Thanks for having us. Good night"
"Oh it is so late. Please call and let me know you guys reached OK"
"Sure. And you call me when Rakhi Sawant cracks mensa".