Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Giving in to the temptation.... has been in my mind for long....and I guess it was eventually bound to happen....especially with an elite crowd like this....Lets Quiz! has been 10,000 years since I did that!

anyway...cutting to the chase....the funda is that we would resist googling until we cannot take it anymore....I will keep the scoreboard ticking....and the eventual winner will get the most coveted prizes of all....applause and my unending love!

opening bells...

1. Connect: 'Little Miss Sunshine' and 'Monsoon Wedding'

2. Her maiden name is Watson. This comic character first appeared in vol#15 of the series, but was virtually an 'unseen' character until volume #42. In all her other appearances inbetween, the artist made sure that her face was always obscured.

3. Connect: Branson of Virgin Atlantic, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, John Carmack - the creator of Quake and Doom, Jim Benson - founder of the first ever search engine Compusearch, Paypal founder Elon Musk and Robert Bigelow - founder of 'Budget Suites of America'.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Now Running! - Guhan & Thulasi

The one on top is the dude and below him is Her Highness! The other picture is what a nurse at the hospital did to decorate her crib....yet another mortal in love with Thulasi! ;)