Alright folks...about time I introduced the flavors to each other!
Since this is a bunch of my most favorite people, the only way I can order the introduction is in alphabetical progression.....and in this post, I am goin to write about only those who have accepted the invitation...theres a bunch of fellow lazy beans who have not yet taken the trouble of registering. Will save them for another morning's brew.
Constant Displacement
Deepti Pookat. I think the nick kinda sums up Deepti....I first met her as a nerdy cryptographic engineer from MIT (M for Madras), when I was working in Odyssey....the kind that I immediately associated with the 'first rankish', 'always smarterish', snob girls who gave me a troubled childhood in school. But I was way wrong. This gal did have ciphers for breakfast and semiconductors for lunch, but was still loads of fun and could take half of a litre of vodka for dinner. A confirmed travel addict and the most eligible spinster in bangalore. Packs her backpack every other friday. Deepti, i think it is about time you traded in your Zen for a Scorpio or a life-time Indian railway pass!
Kiran Unni. We had the weirdest of introductions. Met as colleagues in Frost. She was in San Antonio when I joined in Chennai, but we heard so much about each other that by the end of my first 2 months there, we had already become bum pals even before meeting each other. A fellow quizzing addict and the only person I know who has dedicated 30 percent of her lifetime to furniture shopping. A Jazz freak and one of the 2 people I know who has finished reading 80 percent of all books that were ever printed on the planet. She is also the only woman that I have known in flesh and blood, who has taken the stage as a finalist in a 'Landmark Quiz' (Swami & friends, 2002).
Not All there
Aaarathi Edward (or whatever it became after she got married). Met as a best friend's sister and ended up being fellow tribe. It is kinda difficult to slot Aarathi into any one definition as I have known her do 20 billion things.....but all with the same phenominal energy level. Traveller, Photographer, film maker, PR specialist, Event manager, back stager and also a fantastic quizzer (though she doesnt actively quiz). I am sure I have missed atleast 5 more. The kind of person I wouldnt be surprised if I saw inside a space ship 10 years from now.
Rajaram Sankaran. 'Knowledge Worker'. My first 'golt' best friend. It is difficult to separate the quizzer from the person. Another 'finalist friend' from 'Swami and friends'.
A walking talking pharma specialist. The most head-hunted homosapien south of the himalayas. Gets an offer from a company every friday. Can talk shankarabharanam and string theory in alternate breaths. Raja loves his kingfisher as much as I love my RC. May be a dash more. Will take anything said against barley as a personal insult. The best part about Raja is that he has everything figured out in life. I make very few big decisions without his advice. His Highness's Voice.....On your screen now.
Tinker Bell
Archana Edward Madhavan. Honestly, I think she needs the least introduction to the group. If you dont already know her personally, then you would have heard tonnes about her from me.
She is old now, but in her prime was a legendary head turner and super awesome fun to be around. Infectiously smart and funny, but always a bit spaced out. My main inspiration to read more, she is the other member of the 80 % club. (Inspite of having a bulb nose), Arch has an eye and ear for all things good in life - Tull to Tirumurti. 'We believe in fairies' (claps).
Vinu Kurian. The only non-blogging material in the group. I included him simply because there are a very few things I have done sans him. Partner in crime - Literally and figuratively. Machan, I dont think you would have forgotten the Higgin Bothams incident. An absolute cool dude. For many years, we made life's most crucial decisions together, over omlette and Royal Challenge on his terrace. The only vertebrate I know, who could throw away a Manager's position in Standard Chartered to start a surgical gloves manufacturing facility in Kottayam and actually make money.
OK....I think I have done justice to the Corona Lager I had with dinner....and hence solved the mystery of the nom de plums. Welcome to our blog....and Please....write anything, everything - but only when you feel like it! ;)